In the recently released book, Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars, Cal Kestis and his crew are together again, completing missions and having fun fighting the Empire. But one small moment early on in the book reveals that your alien pilot, Greez, didn’t put all that salt on his food by accident. Instead, it seems like he or his species are just really into our most abundant condiment.
In EA and Respawn’s 2019 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, we are introduced to former Jedi Cal and his crew of misfits, which includes a short and gruff alien named Greez. He’s the crew’s pilot and also, from time to time, acts as the ship’s chef. And in one infamous cutscene—while former Jedi Cal has an intense discussion with Jedi Master Cere—Greez can be seen pouring salt onto his meal for a solid minute. This unassuming background gag is one of the funniest bits in the entire game. But now, in a new book set after the events of Fallen Order (and before next month’s sequel, Survivor) we learn that Greez is always going to spend a full minute salting his blue goop.
Early in the new book, Cal is sneaking into an out-of-the-way space pirate base. To reach the base undetected he puts on a spacesuit and hops across floating rocks and asteroids to reach an energy barrier protecting the base. He presses his head and body through the shield, which is only designed to keep oxygen in the base and not keep Jedi out.
As he pushes his way through, he compares the feeling to pushing a fork into Greez’s “Gelatin Surprise” in that the shield—and that meal—“pushed back” a bit. More importantly for all you Star Wars condiment trivia lovers out there is that the “surprise”—according to Cal—is just the large amount of salt in Greez’s gelatin dish. In fact, Cal’s exact thoughts are it’s “full of salt,” emphasis his.
Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars is filled with fun Easter Eggs
It’s a nice touch by author Sam Maggs to connect the book to the original game in a way that rewards fans who played the first and also builds out the relationship between the crew. I can imagine Cal sitting at the table while poking and prodding at some odd gelatin filled with salt that seems inedible. But he’s nice and likes Greez so he endures.
The rest of the book, which I’m about halfway through right now, is filled with little moments that connect back to the game, including more information about how Cal and his droid communicate and how everybody is impressed by all the cool jumping and wall-running Cal does. Guess they don’t meet many video game protags.
Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars is out now and available wherever you buy books or ebooks. And Star Wars Jedi: Survivor launches on April 28 on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.