Overnight, Ubisoft released three new trailers for South Park: The Stick of Truth. And... that's all you really need to know, actually. Let's dig in!
First, we have a TV spot. Perfect for increasing hype levels. Oh, and before you check, there are actually no new videos on the website. That reminder is just there for the TV folk.
In this trailer, we get to see a mysterious plague claim a hall monitor.
And finally, an old friend returns:
Not long now! The Stick of Truth, Obsidian's South Park RPG, hits PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in just a month; March 4 in North America, March 6 in Australia, and March 7 in Europe.
Stick of Truth TV Spot, Ginger Nazi Zombie, Mr. Hankey Trailers [Ubisoft@YouTube]
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