IO Interactive released the full roadmap for Hitman 3’s Season of Lust today. Sadly, it seems devoid of the sultry deviation some fans hoped for.
The Season of Lust is part of the stealth game’s Seven Deadly Sins expansion. In lieu of traditional post-release content—a la the wholly new, and excellent, bonus maps from Hitman 2—IO opted to “reimagine” existing Hitman 3 maps with new mechanics and missions. They’d have no impact on the main narrative, and essentially be alternate universe tales in Hitman 3, meant to explore the psyche of Hitman’s chiseled and grizzled leading man. Seasons last anywhere from a month to a month-and-a-half. You can pick them up piecemeal for $5 or as a bundle for $30.
Sins like Greed and Pride weren’t terribly intriguing; the entire history of fiction says that characters saddled with such sins tend to end up on the messy end of what Agent 47 is best known for. But Lust? Lust posed a world of possibility for the famously celebate Agent 47.
Read More: What We Loved About Hitman 3
There is indeed a palpable chemistry between Agent 47 and his handler, Diana Burnwood. In Hitman: Blood Money, they even shared a kiss, but that was explicitly in service of the mission. Even though the series doesn’t shy away from sexual content, its main character steers clear of romance, viewing it as nothing more than a distraction from his job. Some fans hoped the Season of Lust would show a different side of 47.
“I’m worried about the season of Lust, [undoubtedly] the most anticipated one,” one player wrote on Reddit. “I’m having a hard time imagining how Lust is gonna play out in this game. … I’m worried that the outfit is just gonna be another suit out of Elton Jon’s [sic] wardrobe, maybe with little penis or vagina designs on it. Please don’t do this. If 47 is not wearing sex gear, everyone will be disappointed.”
“Lust clearly needs to feature Diana. Heavily. 47 already does everything she tells him to do. Why not push that just a bit further?,” another posed over on the Hitman forums. “She’ll make it right, she always does. Hmm…but what feels right? He’s more than just a weapon. He’s a human man, with all that entails…”
Hitman 3’s Season of Lust could’ve served as a map for exploring the relationship between Burnwood and 47, and what avenues it could take beyond the confines of strictly professional behavior.
Instead, in the Season of Lust, which launches today, you’ll be tasked with eliminating a “secret admirer” in the Berlin level. Through August 8, those who don’t own the 2016 game will be able to play the Marrakesh level for no extra cost. On August 5, Dartmoor will receive a bunch of flowers. Perhaps most criminally of all, yes, the primary seasonal suit looks straight out of Elton’s wardrobe.