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Sony Didn't Drop the Price of the PS3 So As Not To Upset You

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Usually, when a new form factor existing video game hardware debuts, there's a corresponding change in the asking price. But the upcoming re-design of the PlayStation 3 seem to buck that trend, with the 250 GB bundle announced this week set to go for $270. Prices on older models—a 160 GB version starts at $250 and a 320 GB sibling at $300—aren't moving either. Sony's explanation says that consumers don't want a price change. Say what?

In an interview with Engadget, Sony exec John Koller cites that consumer feedback as the reason they're holding fast on the MSRPs for the PS3:

"There's no price drop formally, but the thing that's been happening in the market over the last year or so is that there's been so many retail price promotions, and so many different gift card offers and all those things, being done by all of us (Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony), that we've heard from our consumer, 'Enough with all these weird price moves. What we really want is content and games and value.'"


Ok, which one of you guys said that they didn't want any kind of "weird price moves"? Raise your hand. No? No one? That's what we thought.

Sony explains missing PlayStation 3 price drop on old models, EU exclusivity of Flash memory version [Engadget]