Jump In | GREAT BRITAIN:Juha Kankkunen races his Lancia Delta at 1991's RAC Rally of Great Britain. (Photo: Allsport UK | Allsport)
The Beautiful Fighting Game Art of Stanley Lau Stanley Lau has been asked by Capcom to provide the official artwork for the upcoming Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition. Being both an accomplished comic artist and a Street Fighter nerd, his work does not disappoint.
BioWare Hacked, 18,000 Accounts Compromised BioWare, the creator of Mass Effect and Dragon Age, has had its servers raided by hackers and the account details of around 18,000 customers have potentially been lifted.
The Struggles of a Gay XCOM Scientist It's hard enough finding enough major characters who aren't white in games, let alone people who aren't straight. So it's interesting to see how 2K is handling the inclusion of a homosexual character in upcoming shooter XCOM.
Japan, What the Hell Did You do to This Classic PC Adventure Game? There are few more storied franchises in adventure gaming than Sierra's Police Quest series, which in the late 80's and early 90's was home to some of the grittiest, most realistic and yet most rewarding games around.
The Owner of halo4.com Probably Made a Lot of Money, but He Isn't Saying Microsoft last week announced Halo 4, not that it owed the halo4.com domain or anything. They cleared up that little detail after the fact, acquiring the name today, reports Fusible. The domain's original owner isn't saying anything about what convinced him to let go of it.
Well, sometimes you do! No, you're not on sister site Jalopnik. –Brian Ashcraft
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