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Some Tips For Taking On Destiny's New Raid, Crota's End

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Getting through Crota's End isn't easy—but with some key pieces of information, you'll be able to do it in no time.

Here are some pointers by TeftyTeft Games on some of the things you'll have to look out for while playing the new Destiny raid, including:

  • The new 'weight of the darkness,' which limits your movement speed and jump height
  • How some of the weird lamps will cleanse you and allow you to move normally for a period of time—but they'll explode on a timer. These lamps can wipe your team out if you're not careful.
  • How you actually build the bridge in the raid—it looks very tricky, since you can either die immediately, or wipe your team if you do the wrong thing.
  • What the two phases of your fight against Crota are, and how to damage Crota.

Another thing worth mentioning is a certain chest that is easy to miss in the raid. Thankfully, Arekkz Gaming break down where to go. And hey, you can solo this chest too.

And if this isn't enough, make sure to check out this thread on Reddit, where players are chiming in with tips and a guide. Hopefully this helps!

Have you tried the raid yet? Have any tips to share?
