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So, Civilization VI Is Out

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That’s one hell of an intro for a turn-based strategy game you’ve got there, Civilization VI.

After six years—six years!!—we’ve finally got our hands on a brand new Civilization game. I only started playing the final release today, though, so if you’re expecting a full review of the game in the next few days, sorry, there won’t be one. This game is going to take a long time to get on top of, so you can hopefully expect my final verdict later next week.

In the meantime, you can watch the surprisingly emotional intro (from which the gif up top is taken) below.

And if you haven’t yet got the game, and need some thoughts to chew on, know this: the advice given below pretty much sums up the changes made to the series for Civ VI. It really does feel like a board game, in that everything you do feels more grounded, more immediate, more hands-on.


See you next week!