Snooze and the Gray | Interestingly, South Carolina chose to observe the 150th anniversary of April 12, 1861, the first shot of the American Civil War on April 9, 2011, the 146th anniversary of the Confederates' surrender. Here a Confederate re-enactor - hell, is there any other left? - takes a nap during South Carolina's observance of the date. (Photo: Richard Ellis, Getty Images)
'Honest Hearts' Is Indeed Fallout: New Vegas' Next DLC
Back in January, a trademark filing hinted that "Honest Hearts" would succeed "Dead Money" as Fallout: New Vegas' second DLC extension. A few screengrabs of a video briefly uploaded by Fallout maker Bethesda Softworks verifies that as the title and gives the briefest and tiniest of glimpses at its visuals. More »
Stick Jockey: No Strikes, but One Out as Labor Unrest Hovers Over Video Games
Lockouts and strikes are often portrayed in terms of the damage they do to associated, joe-lunchbucket type industries, such as concessions, parking, stadium staff and bars near the arena. Video game publishers have more financial insulation against these shocks, of course. That doesn't mean they're immune to the real world doings of the sports they simulate. More »
Promoter Sues Microsoft Over Kinect Launch Event
Remember the Times Square launch event for Kinect last fall? It took some begging, pleading, and cold hard cash just to happen, when the cops made the last-minute discovery a full blown concert didn't have the requisite permits. The promoter who made all the bad stuff go away says Microsoft owes him $63,000 for it. More »
LittleBigPlanet 2 Does a Good Job of Babysitting with this Game Boy Remake
Drive up the volume for this user-created level from LittleBigPlanet 2, an homage to World 1-1 from Super Mario Land on the Game Boy. Creator Junkvxxl loaded the level three days ago; it became a developer favorite two days ago; it's been played more than 36,000 times in that span. If you have the game, perhaps you should try it for yourself. More »
Is This Metal Gear Solid or Lemmings?
It's not Call of Duty multiplayer. Master filmmaker Freddie Wong has taken dead aim at the guilty pleasures and accepted norms of many video games. Here he goes after Metal Gear Solid, and the urge everyone has to endlessly replay this fish-in-a-barrel killfest. More »
Here's a Look at Minecraft's Weather Effects, Achievements and Stats
Minecraft's next title update (1.5) will deliver a host of new features, among them an achievement system, a statistics log and, perhaps more importantly, weather effects. The game's creator released this video late last night showing all those features in action. More »
My home county had a needlessly ginned-up controversy about flying the Confederate flag over the courthouse about 15 years ago. The usual clichés were in play until someone stepped in and reminded the sons of cousins of neighbors of Confederate whatevers that, if they kindly looked in their family Bibles, they'd understand the area was almost entirely Union sympathetic. Why we still fight this war, I'll never know. – Owen Good
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