The Super Nintendo’s Mode 7 tech was impressive as hell in the early 90s, but all that spinning came at the cost of visual fidelity, with the backgrounds on games like Mario Kart and F-Zero looking like pixellated puke. Two decades on, a mod is trying to clean that up.
Made by DerKoun, HD Mode 7 (for a SNES emulator) “performs Mode 7 transformations (incl. HDMA) at up to 4 times the horizontal and vertical resolution”. The effects are remarkable.
Look at that! Those spinning maps/backgrounds were a mess, and this mod cleans ‘em right up.
And it’s not just Nintendo games benefiting. Obviously any game using Mode 7 now looks a lot sharper, like Dragon Quest III:
This is magic.
You can download and try it out here. Now if you excuse me, I’ve got to track down a copy of Jurassic Park...