Keiichiro Toyama first made a name for himself, writing and directing the first Silent Hill while at Konami. In 1999, he joined Sony’s Japan Studio, and today he’s announced that he has left to form his own studio.
While at Japan Studio, Toyama was creative force, creating both Siren and Gravity Rush. Stylistically, the games couldn’t be more different, which has always made Toyama one of Sony’s most interesting in-house developers.
His new outfit is called Bokeh Game Studio. You can see what looks to be some sort of concept art or drawings in the introduction clip below:
Toyama is joined by Kazunobu Sato, who designed Puppeteer and was a producer on The Last Guardian, as well as Junya Okura, who worked as a designer on Gravity Rush. It should be interesting to see what the trio does.