Lin-finite Potential | Jeremy Lin's so good they'll need two roster updates this week for NBA 2K12. He takes his act back to New York tonight, where the Knicks greet the woeful Kings at 7:30 p.m.
Sony Hopes Vita Will Stymie Pirates, Please Fans and Last Eight Years
The PlayStation Vita is built to last more than half a decade and is designed to confound pirates more than it confounds the average gamer, Sony's head of worldwide game development, Shuhei Yoshida, tells Kotaku.
"We are designing this PS Vita to last five, six, seven, eight years," he told me in... More »
This RPG Is Topping Charts In Japan, But Americans May Never See It
The PlayStation Vita has been out for two months in Japan. So how is a PSP game topping the charts?
Andriasang reports that Konami's Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki, released last week for the Vita's predecessor, was the number one game sold in Japan between February 6 and February 12,... More »
The Video Game Version of Jeremy Lin Is Unrealistically Bad at Basketball
A re-rated update to the NBA 2K12 roster failed to appease America's feverish Linsanity-the phenomenon surrounding the New York Knicks' Jeremy Lin-and so a second update, giving the point guard even more of a boost, is due by the end of the week.
Lin, who went from the end of the bench... More »
Fifth-Grade Game Designer Exhibits her Video Game at White House
New game designer Hannah Wyman won a trip to New York, got a grant for her school, educated kids, and met the President of the United States. And she managed it all around her dance lessons and her homework, because she's eleven years old.
We may keep seeing the same old arguments over whether... More »
PC Gamer Vitriol Subsiding, EA Promises Origin Will Be Excellent Within Two Years
Less than a year ago, EA told PC gamers it would give them something that many PC gamers probably thought they didn't need: a competitor to Steam.
Another PC storefront for downloading games.
Another PC service for connecting PC gamers.
Another thing to install and… wait, where'd the EA games go... More »
Razer Blade: The Kotaku Review
When I see the term 'gaming laptop', the first word that comes to mind is 'performance'. And when I hear of a gaming laptop with a price tag of nearly $2,800, I imagine a system that can readily outperform any less expensive machine. More »
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