It’s time to go outdoors and get sweaty in pursuit of fun, but we don’t want to leave our favorite video game characters out of the action. I asked you to make summer sports happen, and you delivered.
Look, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know anything about organized outdoor sports. The last time I seriously used a ball that was not made of Nerf material is a long time past. But I know that some people enjoy it, and I respect their commitment to running around and hollering at other people. “Throw me the ball!” “Get the basket!” “Hammer the racket jumper!” These are all things I imagine that pickup game players might yell during fun summer sports.
This week’s winner is Get_crazy, and it’s because I know what Kratos is screaming here. He’s yelling about that goal that he just got. He slew and entire competing team just to nudge that ball in. He doesn’t know anything about sports, but he does know about winning, and that’s what makes him special.
There are some great honorable mentions, too, though you should look at the comments on the original post for some excellent takes on what it means to take summer fun seriously.
rogue_Indy imagined a more fun encounter between these two enemies.
Bob understands that the true summer fun is about volleyball and just handing out with your bros.
Villings made something truly strange and disturbing. I mean, golly, what is even going on here. Fun! That’s what’s going on!
Peter O’Sullivan found the beating heart of volleyball. Nothing gets the blood pumping more than...blood.
Cinerius put some families in some wheelbarrows? This is some kind of regional thing for people to do? I need an explainer. It looks fun, though.
Hans Maulwurf has discovered what Death Stranding is actually about. Finally!
Mrichston knows the Creed: “Nothing is true, gotta get that pigskin into the endzone, he’s going, he’s going, he’s gone! There he goes! Assassin’s win the game! EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED!” Obviously it is often shortened.
“Cornhole” is already a disturbing experience. sciteach has somehow doubled down on it.
Dixie-Flatline knows what summer fun looks like. It’s wet.