Hi everyone! I’m back to judge the shop contest for this week! Last week, Zack asked everyone to create some photos featuring the dude from Speaking Simulator. He’s on break this weekend and graciously asked me to come in a guest judge again. As I was going through the entries, I realized I was receiving a whole lot of nightmare fodder. Speaking Simulator dude is pretty creepy and there were lots of creepily creative entries.
Our winning image this week was created by cecil_banon who has turned one of the most tragic moments in gaming history into a surreal speaking simulator moment.
You can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

Yoda’s Neglected Brother wins the award for rawest Jaws simulator.

Bob The Rock “Image Shifter, Demigod of Photoshop, Hero of Man gets the award for the It’s a Me, Mario simulator.

sciteach gets the award for best Don’t I Look Speedy Sonic simulator.

richardrae1 easily wins the award for Stop Giving Me Nightmares Simulator.

punxsutawneyphil squawks the Steppiest Goose Simulator

MonoArtan caused the moon to fall on the world and destroy it but we fortunately reset it back three days to stop the Speaking Simulator from taking over thanks to the help of a certain ocarina that caused a relapse in the space time continuum so that lunar eclipses went back to bring a matter of perspective rather than a matter of gigantic tongue wagging.

d-pad83 wins the award for the best friend for Speaking Simulator who asked all sorts of existential questions and whether the meaning of life was too easy and obvious a question for simulation.

Badonkagronk wins for best simulated French kiss.
That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.