You thought you were safe just because you weren’t in the ocean? Nope! Sharks are everywhere this week after I asked you folks to spread sharks where they don’t belong.
Our winning image this week comes from Badonkagronk who reveals the origins behind the Baby Shark song. I’m not surprised.

So many different sharks in some very odd places. Special shout out to Done With Kinja who found a nice loophole. You can include Sonic in your images, just do bad things to that bastard. No ban and you even win an award.
Anyway, you can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

ConManEd wins the award for “Best DDR Contest.”

Kara gets the award for “RAREest Shark.” Get it..? Whatever.

Nick Hanover picks up the award for “Most Controversial Shark.”

Neruoplastique snags the award for...whatever the fuck is going on here.

Chris MC wins the award for “Best Spoiler!”

Tebow Kneeled First receives the award for “Scariest Penis.”

Done With Kinja nabs the award for “Most Satisfying Moment.”

Mrichston gets the award for “Best Lawyer Dead Fish Can Buy.”

MonoArtan wins nothing-but sweet dive, shark!

And finally, sciteach wins the award for “Weirdest Crossover.”
That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.