Things got spooky and creepy last weekend because of National Paranormal Day, which is a totally real holiday and not fake. I asked you all to celebrate this not-fake holiday and to create images featuring ghosts, aliens, or other paranormal things.
Our winning image this week comes from Neuroplastique who shows us why you should ALWAYS be careful when watching unmarked holotapes on your Pipboy.

Another great lot of images. There were also some troublemakers down in the comments, leaving pictures featuring Sonic and other things like that. But in a way, isn’t Sonic a paranormal being? A large, blue, super-fast hedgehog that talks. That sounds paranormal to me.
Anyway, you can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

MonoArtan wins nothing. Banned for life. Moving on.

SteveBrunk gets the award for the “Worst Zoom Meeting.”

Mrichston grabs the award for “Best Spoiler!”

Barry Wombleton grabs the award for “Strangest Luigi’s Mansion 4 Pitch.”

Done With Kinja snags the award for “Best Time To Close Your Eyes.”

sciteach wins the award for “TOPICAL!”

Modium receives the award for “Most Faithful Remake.”

Cecil Banon gets nothing. They are banned. Go look at a Weeping Angel.

Badonkagronk gets the award for “Worst Special Edition Change.”

And finally, Bob The Rock wins nothing because he is banned forever.
That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.