Ladders! They’re like stairs but cooler, taller and more portable. And ladders were finely added to The Sims 4. So to celebrate, I asked you folks to give more gaming characters ladders.
Our winning image this week comes from sciteach and it solves a problem I know many of us have faced. What do you do when you need to climb a giant rock monster to save someone you love? Bring a ladder.

Silly ideas can sometimes result in some of my favorite entries. And this week was a good example of that. Every time I think I can stump you folks, you surprise me with awesome pictures and great ideas. I’m also choosing to ignore a Sonic-related entry that I assume was made by accident. I trust it won’t happen again...
Anyway, you can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

AmazingMeow wins the award for “Best Pokemon Mod.”

Bob The Rock gets nothing.

Brian grabs the award for “Easiest Easy Mode.”

Mrichston receives the award for “Weirdest Easter Egg.”

DoneWithKinja gets the award for “Worst Weapon In A Zelda Game.”

Kara The IDK Whatever picks up the award for “Best Xbox Exclusive Ladder.”

Modium snags the award for “Best Chair Ladder Shot!”

MonoArtan wins nothing! Banned for life.

Richardrae1 takes the award for “Most Unimpressed Demon.”

And finally, Badonkagronk wins the award for “Best Mega Man Power-Up.”
That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.