Greetings, travelers, and welcome to another Kotaku open thread. How have you been? Good? I hope so.
I've been keeping warm, and this morning, they posted the second part of that Revision3 TV interview I did, where I talked about a bunch of things, from jazz to Far Cry 2 to sweat pants. I also talk about how I got into this crazy gig, and what it's like to work here at the Big K. Fun stuff.
But enough about me! This is your open thread, after all. Here are some conversation-starters, and some (particularly great, I think) selections of randomness from around the Internet.
- Alan Moore steps to Frank Miller's occupy rant - Nothing like a political throwdown between two comics legends.
- The Oatmeal discusses 'Why 3D Movies Need To Die' - Yeah, hard to argue with a lot of this.
- The New Muppets movie is anti-capitalism? - That's what Fox news seems to think. Maybe they are! I haven't seen the movie yet. But I want to.
- You gotta check out BetaMaXmas - It's great, at least if you're older than 25.
- Super, they're remaking Starship Troopers too - And it's being produced by the same guy who's remaking every other damn thing. Argh.
- They found a new habitable planet? - Cool. Does anyone else think of Racetrack from BSG looking down on Kobol and saying "It looks 'abitable!" Just me? Okay then.
- This guy can whistle in the craziest way - No seriously. It's crazy!
- Here's Ane Brun singing 'The Treehouse Song' - It's so nice. I played this with my singer Lindsay last weekend, and I love this song.
Have a fantastic evening, see y'all tomorrow.