Valkyria Chronicles is a truly interesting video game franchise, which, for one reason or another, has been sold short by Sega in recent years.
The Tokyo-based game company is relegating the PS3 franchise to the PSP, which doesn't quite give the Valkyria Chronicles the epic vibe it deserves. There is an anime, however, and it's now in its third season.
Sega roped in singer-slash-voice-actress Minami Kuribayashi (pictured) to sing the anime's new ending song. "I've like Valkyria from before," Kuribayashi tweeted, "and I'm really happy to be connected to the series."
"I'd also like to check out the game," she added. Yes, we're getting to the point where Valkyria Chronicles, a game originally noted for its unique art style and Gears of War influences, is now just an anime.
Oh, there's also a video game. Wait what, you haven't played it?
戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 公式サイト [Sega] [Pic]