Imagine a world where you can play the word "selfie" or "twerk" in Scrabble. Sound absurd? Both these words are definitely a playable possibility starting later this year.
The official Scrabble Dictionary is being updated, and according to Hasbro, the intention is to stay relevant to trends and pop culture events. The update will include thousands of new words, one of which will be voted by fans. Already there are votes for all sorts of words, many of which are kind of silly—like "hashtag," and "amazeballs." So if you're adamant about getting a certain word in Scrabble, now is your chance!
Votes will be taken until March 28th, at which point Scrabble and Merriam-Webster will pick finalists that fans can then once again vote for. The fan-selected word will be revealed on April 10th, and the new edition of the Official Scrabble Player's dictionary will drop on August.
As a fan of chaos, I'm looking forward to seeing what the internet votes for as a new Scrabble word. Hopefully it's something ridiculous—sorry, purists!
(Top image: thebarrowboy)