Two of Warner Bros. most beloved children's franchise come together later this year in Cartoon Universe, a free-to-play browser-based online adventure world. You know, for the kids.
The first project out of WB Games Montreal, Cartoon Universe is a colorful kid-friendly destination for fans of The Looney Tunes Show and Scooby Doo. Kids will be able to create their own toonified avatar, participate in puzzles and mini-games, meet new friends, and experience the joy of exploring a place that doesn't actually exist.
Along the way they'll run into popular characters from both cartoon series, though Scooby Doo and the gang are relegated to their own mysterious island. Quarantined is a good way to put it.
"Cartoon Universe is an online game filled with safe, social worlds designed just for kids," said Samantha Ryan, Senior Vice President, Production and Development, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment via official announcement. "They'll love discovering a constantly changing place full of fun activities, cool rewards and memorable humorous moments with their favorite characters!"
Apparently you can play an incredibly buggy beta version of the game in your web browser right now. I've logged in, created a character....
...and watched the opening story unfold.
Once the cut scene was over I was trapped behind a door, but I can see where they're going with it.
Head over to the official Cartoon Universe website and poke around for yourself. Cartoon Universe is slated for release in North America in 2012, with select international markets planned for next year.