The Tokyo Game Show is over. We're home. We're extremely sleepy. And we'd like for you to take this post by the reins and take it where you want to go. If that means, talking about TGS, so be it!
Seriously, the commute via Friendly Airport Limousine to Narita Airport to LAX to home has been an exhausting one, but there were big boxes of Cap'n Crunch waiting for me at home. All I need now is some rest. Tell us what you're up to in the comments.
If you're more of a lurker, take a lurk at these things.
- OK Go "White Knuckles" video - Who doesn't love dog agility?
- Insanely creepy Panda brand cheese commercials - As hilarious as they are disturbing.
- Keanu Reeves is interested in making another Bill & Ted's movie - Sounds like a great-bad idea.
- A small selection of awful Batman costumes - Surely there must be more!
- Boba Fett Star Wars X Adidas packaging - Just what sneakerheads need... collector grade packaging!