Samurai Jack, the popular Cartoon Network series that recently received a much-needed conclusion on Adult Swim, gets its first new video game adaptation since 2004 this summer.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is being made by developer Soleil, whose previous work includes Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again, and, uh, Devil’s Third.
The short teaser for Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is mostly made up of clips from the cartoon with brief snippets of hack-and-slash gameplay. These few morsels show the eponymous hero fighting enemies with his trademark samurai sword as well as sticks, tridents, hammers, and some sort of machine gun.
According to IGN, Samurai Jack head writer Darrick Bachman will be handling the script for Battle Through Time. More details are expected at PAX East later this week.
While there isn’t much else to go on, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time certainly captures the look of the iconic animated series. Soleil’s disaster with Devil’s Third doesn’t do it any favors, but this has to be better than previous Samurai Jack games, which were little more than cash grabs for the Game Boy Advance and PlayStation 2. We’ll see when Battle Through Time arrives on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC in a few months’ time.