To: Ash
From: Crecente
I went for a run last night with Trish and Tristan. We did two miles at about ten minutes a mile, which isn't too bad for someone who spent the past year sitting on his ass writing about video games.
Trish is prepping to train for a half marathon. I think I may join her.... for fun?
What you missed:
The Proper Response To A Tetris Defeat
Just Thinking About Violent Video Games Stimulates Aggression
The Weekend is Made for TGS
The Insanely Complex, Kinda Addictive Air Traffic Control Game
Who Argues Violent Video Games Are Like Porn, And Who Disagrees
Kinect Creator: Hardly Anyone Plays First-Person Shooters On PC Anymore
Dragon Age: Origins Witch Hunt Micro-Review: An Unsatisfying Epilogue
'It's Just Like Lemonade, But With Explosions'
NeverDead Preview: Amputation Amplified