We know the PS Vita will no longer have its store taken offline this month, but what no one thought to ask was: Will new games continue to be added? We’re hearing rumours that no more shall appear after July 20.
If this proves to be true, it’ll be fortunate for Russian Subway Dogs. Originally released in 2018 for PC, it managed a brief Kotaku mention when announced a couple of years before that, and proved a decent—if very strange—game. It was a single-screen arcade game inspired by the real lives of stray dogs living on the Moscow Metro. It’s about being one of those dogs, and just trying to stay alive. Now, another three years later, it’s coming to consoles. Except, not new ones. Instead it’s on Xbox One, PS4 and... PS Vita.
Developer Miguel Sternberg rushed to get the Vita port finished when he first heard the rumors the Sony stores were being switched off in 2021, and though that’s not happening, if July does mark the last chance to launch anything new he’ll have just squeaked in in time.
Rather than being a stunt, it seems Vita was always a platform Sternberg wanted to see the game played on. It’s his favorite handheld, and the port has been planned since 2015. “This is really a passion project,” he tells us in an email, “rather than a sound business decision.”
It obviously makes complete sense that no more new games will be coming to a platform that just came so close to losing its ability to buy games at all. It seems fitting, should this prove to be the case, that one of its last will be from a developer who cared so much about the handheld.