Speaking at the Reuters Global Technology Summit in Tokyo last week, Capcom CFO Kazuhiko Abe has revealed that Resident Evil 5 has sold just shy of 5 million copies worldwide since launch.
Abe says that 4.4 million copies were sold worldwide in March, the month of the game's release, while a further 500,000+ (Abe says "sales came to as many as 570,000 units") in April has the game at around 4.9 million units sold. Add in any sales made so far during May - which haven't been recorded yet outside of Japan - and in all likelihood it's passed 5 million.
If that sounds like a massive drop-off in sales between the first and second months, don't worry, it is. But it's one Capcom were at least anticipating, as Abe says they only expect to sell another 400,000-500,000 between now and March 31, 2010.
That's how most of these kind of games - being pitched at a hardcore, existing audience - work. That hardcore goes bananas, snaps up a copy within a month or two, then there's nobody left to buy it.
Capcom to unveil more iPhone titles [Reuters]