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Report: PS3 Wand Controller Supported With Approximately Ten Games

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This fall, Sony will be releasing its new wand controller, which is currently known under the temporary "Motion Controller" title. According to Japan's Nikkei Newspaper, the game will have approximately ten titles supporting it this year

According to the Nikkei, those titles will go sale sometime this year and range from the sports genre to the pet simulator genre.

Last year, Sony listed nine titles that would support the PS3 Motion Controller. (The Nikkei gives an actual number, however!) Those games and their current titles include Ape Escape, Echochrome, Eccentric Slider, Sing and Draw, Champions of Time, Motion Party, The Shoot, Tower and Under Siege. Which of these made release this year remains to be seen.


Other titles slated to get Motion Controller support include Flower, Pain and Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition.

PS3用モーションコントローラ、年内に約10本の対応ソフトを予定 [Kotaku Japan] [Pic]