New Pokémon Snap is about a Pokémon photographer who takes photos of Pocket Monsters. But what happens with a real pro turns his or her eye on the game?
Ayato is a professional photographer who shoots for Red Bull in Japan as well as D. League, a professional dance league. Recently on Twitter, he’s been posting New Pokémon Snap photos he took in-game, using the header and tag プロカメラマンが本気で挑むポケモンスナップチャレンジ, which translates as “Pro photographer earnestly tackling the New Pokémon Snap challenge.”
In an interview with IT Media, Ayato talked about how playing Pokémon Snap as a kid impacted him and how he never tired of the game, remembering the fun of timing the shutter and capturing an image. “It was from that point I got interested in photography, and I borrowed a camera from my parents and began taking pics of scenery.” From then, he began his journey to becoming a professional photographer as an adult.
Ayato purchased New Pokémon Snap at launch and then set out to take the best photos he could.
For more wonderful photos, have a look at Ayato’s Twitter.
The above tweets and images were used with permission.