Hey Doods, Prinny is coming back to the PSP. After those penguin-characters known as Prinny got a starring role in Prinny: Ore ga Shujinko de Iinsuka? - or Prinny: Is It OK If I'm The Protagonist? Time for a sequel.
Developer Nippon Ichi has revealed the next installment in the PSP Prinny line with the localized title of Prinny 2: Dawn's ? ? ? Epic Battle. The ? ? ? seems to be covering up the rest of the title.
That's right. Nippon Ichi is covering up part of the title of its new Prinny game — so not cool. New Prinny game? Cool.
特攻ACT『プリニー』低価格版は11月26日に発売! 『プリニー2』の制作も発表!! [Dengeki Online]