Disney's Prince of Persia movie may have had a slow start in the US, but it's proving a much bigger hit overseas, with the film's combined international box office takings now approaching the $300 million mark.
$80.5 million of that amount comes from the United States, with overseas earnings currently at $213.1 million. With a total take of $293.6 million, that makes Prince of Persia: Sands of Time the biggest video game movie of all time, with the first Tomb Raider flick "only" pulling in $274 million.
With DVD sales yet to add to that tally, it's surely enough to warrant a sequel, one where they'll no doubt make him a lot angrier, and we'll all look back on the first film with rose-tinted glasses and say how amazing it was.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time [Box Office Mojo,via Big Download]