This Dark Souls cosplay by Cosarmor & Props won top prize at the Emerald City Comic Con earlier this month with this Dragon Slayer Ornstein ensemble, and for good reason: it’s practically an actual suit of armour.
Cosarmor tells me the suit “is 100% scratch built using primarily heat-formed expanded PVC (Sintra/Komatex), and most of the detailing was done with Magic Sculpt epoxy putty”, while a small portion of the armor ncludes EVA foam and black Worbla.
The costume also uses weathered aluminium chainmail, “wet-felted wool dreadlocks, weathered silk fabric, and over 100 neodymium magnets”. The helm’s visor is also able to lock in position, as well as be removed.
As you can see, he won $1500 for his work!