The second season of unexpected hit anime Kemono Friends has been announced. The show’s creators are taking applications from young women hoping to become the Kemono Friends star.
The previous season featured many established voice actresses as well as newly discovered talent. There was also a spin-off idol unit, which also appeared as in-anime as well as in-game characters and sung the theme song.
Now, Kemono Friends 2 is looking for “healthy women” between the ages of 16 and 20 that are not currently signed to production agencies for its newest unit. Applicants write a short essay saying why they’d be right and include photos or a short clip.
Among the required questions in the online application form include filling out one’s height, weight, waist size, hip size and bust size.
Twitter user Nao pointed this out (via Sankoku NSFW), adding that it was unsettling how applicants had to include these measurements. Doing so is not optional.
Some wondered if this info was needed for garment fitting, but why would that be required on the initial application?
Last year, the creative force behind the first Kemono Friends was unceremoniously booted from the second season.