Dudunsparce is already the biggest joke of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Pokédex. There’s almost no visible difference between this new Pokémon and its pre-evolution Dunsparce save for an extra segment on its body. Even still, yours could be special. So if you really want to catch ‘em all, you better start double checking every wild Dudunsparce you find in The Great Crater of Paldea.
It took Dunsparce 23 years to finally gain this unremarkable evolution, which is also Normal-type. If not for Dudunsparce, it might have been a fairly benign part of Pokémon history. Hence why it was hilarious Game Freak chose to revive its popularity by giving it a new evolution. The average Dudunsparce has two middle segments. If you’re lucky, though? Your Dudunsparce might have three middle segments. Hooray.
Worse, there’s only a 1 percent chance of the Dudunsparce being the three-segment variation if you evolve it from Dunsparce. So the odds are only marginally better than your chances of finding a shiny Pokémon. The difference is that most shiny Pokémon are pretty and/or novel. A three-segment Dudunsparce is neither of those. In fact, you could easily KO it by accident when wandering the wilds with your leading Pokémon out of its Pokéball. So finding one is only for either the truly masochistic or the biggest Dunsparce/Dudunsparce superfans. Or the supremely RNG-blessed.

I have to confess, though, it is kind of cool that some of us might have been walking around with a three-segment wonder worm without ever having realized it. When I found out about the mutant Pokémon from Polygon, I immediately ran over to check my PC boxes and to count my Dudunsparce segments. No dice though. But maybe I’ll keep looking: I’m a bit of a Dex completionist, and the three-segment Dudunsparce has a different entry from the common variant.
Two-segment dex entry for Violet:
It drives enemies out of its nest by sucking in enough air to fill its long, narrow lungs, then releasing the air in an intense blast.
Three-segment dex entry for Violet:
A recent study uncovered that the number of segments a Dudunsparce’s body has is determined by the Pokémon’s genes.
Or if you’re a normal person, you’re probably content with just filling out one dex entry for Dudunsparce. Unfortunately, I am not normal.