Niantic announced legendary Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta from Sword and Shield will come to Pokémon Go. In normal times, this alone would be cool news! We do not live in normal times.
Raids with the two legendaries will take place during the final part of this year’s Ultra Unlock, which are challenges to unlock special events, between August 20 and September 1.
It appears that the one who brought them to Pokémon Go was none other than Hoopa, which recently caused mischief during Pokémon Go Fest 2021,” Niantic said in a release. “Alongside them, Skwovet, Greedent, Wooloo, Dubwool, and Falinks will be arriving in Pokémon Go. If you’re lucky, you might even find a Shiny Galarian Meowth, a Shiny Galarian Farfetch’d, a Shiny Galarian Weezing, or a Shiny Galarian Stunfisk!
Just as Niantic tries to entice players back with some Galar region monsters, complete with a trailer that can be watched below, the developer is still dealing with fallout from its most recent update.
As Kotaku previously reported, Niantic recently removed the social distancing feature from the game, meaning players have to get closer to spin the Pokéstops or battle in Gyms. The smaller radius means people need to congregate closer together, with some players saying they have to get even closer than pre-pandemic. As cases rise across the U.S. and vaccinated people are being told to mask up, the removal of this feature seems oblivious to reality. Maybe things are better in Galar? Hope so!
Many fans feel like Niantic isn’t listening to them, thus forcing this boycott. When Niantic announced the fancy new monsters on Twitter yesterday, players used the hashtag #BoycottNiantic to show their displeasure. The replies to the initial tweet are filled with players saying they are unhappy and will not play the game. Some seemed to feel that these Ultra Unlock monsters were just a way for Niantic to get players back after their controversial decision to change the distances without having to address the actual issue.
All of this somewhat mutes what should be a very cool announcement, with some players feeling that Niantic is ignoring their requests at best and, at worst, putting players at risk. These new fancy monsters get lost in the controversy, pushed aside while the points of contention are brought further into sharp focus.
According to Reddit, the boycott is supposed to kick off August 5 and has been dubbed “Pokémon No Day.” Will any of this matter? Will players actually boycott Pokémon Go?
“I will definitely be making some changes,” YouTuber The Trainer Club said in a video yesterday.
Earlier this summer, when the changes were first announced, the YouTuber asked Niantic to reconsider. But what about today’s boycott?
“I will definitely be aiming to send a message. Am I going to quit playing Pokémon Go? More than likely, probably not.”