Today on Kotaku Splitscreen, we’re talking about what it’s like to report on the world of video games. Join us to hear some of the stories behind some of Kotaku’s biggest scoops.
Kirk’s out on sabbatical this month, so today Kotaku’s Patrick “Scoops” Klepek joins me (Jason “Press Sneak Fuck” Schreier) to get into the nitty-gritty of games journalism. We talk about how we each landed here at Kotaku, then answer some reader questions and talk a bit about how we got scoops like the PS4.5 and the making of Destiny. I also tell one of the more embarrassing stories of my high school life.
You can listen to today’s episode right here. (Direct MP3 download here.) Find us on iTunes and Google Play. Feel free to subscribe and leave lots of cool ratings and reviews.
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