Remember the dark days? The PlayStation Store update Thursdays with nary a downloadable worth the background download? Long gone, we hope, forever! This week, there's plenty of stuff to slake your download thirst, with demos for Haze, GRID and The Bourne Conspiracy joining extra content for PixelJunk Monsters, Guitar Hero III and Rock Band. Some of the media released over the past couple weeks, including some from Sony's recent event in London can now be watched on The Big Screen, including that lovely looking Mirror's Edge trailer. The full list is post jump!
Games and Demos
Haze demo
The Bourne Conspiracy demo
GRID demo
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 demo for PSP
Add-ons and Expansions
PixelJunk Monsters Encore expansion ($5.99)
Guitar Hero III "Muse Track Pack" ($6.25) - "Exo-Politics", "Stockholm Syndrome" and "Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse
Rock Band tracks ($1.99 each) - "Date with the Night" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "It Hurts" by Angels & Airwaves and "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race" by Fall Out Boy
Rock Band "Scene Pack" ($5.49)
Game Videos
WipEout HD trailer
Mirror's Edge trailer
Mercenaries 2 "Payback" trailer
Overlord: Raising Hell trailer
The Wheelman trailer
TNA Impact! "Gamer's Day" trailer
PlayStation 3 "What You Need" video
Movie and Television Trailers
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull teaser trailer
The Love Guru trailer
Iron Man trailer
Wallpapers and Themes
PixelJunk Monsters wallpapers
PixelJunk Monsters theme
Sports theme