Add one more name to the pile of potential monikers for Sony's soon to be detailed PlayStation Motion Controller, the PlayStation Move.
The PlayStation Eye-powered motion control wand, previously known by some as Gem, referred to by others as PlayStation Arc may actually be named PlayStation Move, if a recently filed European trademark is any indication. NeoGAF user gofreak—incidentally, the same dude who dug up the original PlayStation Home logo—found the trademark filing for PlayStation Move, a mark protected against "game controllers" as well as the potential logo seen above. The filing can be seen over at The Netwerk, as well.
Previously bandied about names Arc and Gem are, according to Sony spokespeople, "rumored code name[s]." We've already inquired about the newest motion control name option.
Funny that that image looks more like an "A" than an "M" though. Who knows which codename is going to stick? Well, we probably will later tonight, when Sony holds its GDC event that's sure to have mention of the PlayStation Motion Controller. Keep an eye peeled for our liveblog of the event.
Sony Controller to Be Named "Arc." Bye bye Gem? truly outrageous [NeoGAF]