Rejoice, Dreamcast lovers. Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to the West. The popular MMORPG has been frustratingly absent but will come to the Xbox One in a free-to-play package in Spring 2020.
In a press release, Sega states that “there will be no limitations on game experiences such as Class Level cap or direct purchase of high-tier weapons because we want to provide all players with a fair and exciting experience.”
In spite of this, there will still be some form of microtransactions in case“players still find themselves in need of assistance for their quest.”
Sega announced plans to release for the game in the West years ago but didn’t really say much else, letting the project go quiet. Now? We’re finally getting it, proving that good things do come to those who wait.
But of course, there’s always a catch. Sega has said on Twitter that there’s nothing to confirm regarding a EMEA territory release. That’s shorthand for “Europe, the Middle East and Africa.” So some folks will have to wait a bit longer, it seems.