Doesn't matter how good he is at promoting himself, Peter Molyneux is a game developer. Repeat, Peter Molyneux is a game developer. He's not a PR guy. And since he's no PR guy, Molyneux has pointed out Fable II's flaws. Here, listen to what Peter Molyneux has to say:
The point is I’m not a PR man. I’m just a developer. And when you sit down opposite people, people like yourself, and they look you in the eyes and they say ‘are you happy with absolutely everything in Fable II?’, I can’t hand on heart say that we have got a state of the art animation system. I mean our animation system’s pretty good.
For all the goofy things Molyneux says, at least he does seem somewhat sincere. Well, sometimes. “Now Microsoft has put these PR policemen in the same room to make sure I don’t trip over myself," he adds. That's swell. Molyneux gets himself into trouble over Fable 2 honesty [Videogamer via VG247]