In the wake of news that game publishers EA and Activision will have reduced presences at this year’s E3—both will show off their games at various press conferences, but neither will have booths—analysts and Hot Takers across the web have been asking a simple question: Is E3 still relevant?
This semi-backlash led Rich Taylor, a senior vice president at the E3-organizing Entertainment Software Association, to defend their showcase to MCV in an article published this morning.
“The ‘is E3 still relevant?’ question gets asked every year, and then gets answered in June of that same year with a resounding ‘yes’,” Taylor said.
Is he right? Well...
June 15, 2015: Is this the End of The World as We Know It For E3? - USGamer
June 11, 2015: Is E3 Still Relevant? - Nintendojo
June 8, 2014: E3 2014: Is the game industry’s most important trade show still even relevant? - Financial Post
May 30, 2014: Does E3 Still Matter? - Kotaku
June 21, 2013: Is E3 still relevant? - GamesRadar
June 21, 2013: Is E3 still relevant? The alternative view - GamesRadar
June 1, 2012: E3: Not What It Used To Be - GameSpot
May 24, 2012: Is E3 Still Relevant? -
June 7, 2011: Is E3 still relevant in an evolving market? - MVC
June 6, 2011: E3: Is the video game expo past its prime? - BBC
We look forward to this year’s round of questions about E3's relevance. We also look forward to E3.
You can reach the author of this post at or on Twitter at @jasonschreier.