After the monstrous success of the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter campaign, it's impossible to escape talk of video game development powered by the internet's largest crowdfunding destination. Part of all the buzz comes from the perception that there's a lot of money out there that people want to contribute to help produce entertainment that they'd enjoy. How much money, you ask? In the month of March alone, the number ballooned past $9,000,000, according to one estimate.
A feature at Rock, Paper, Shotgun tallies up the figures from various Kickstarter video game projects and finds that $9,339,688 in guaranteed funding was raised last month. If you include campaigns that are still in progress, that sum exceeds $10,000,000. Now, the piece notes that some of on-going campaigns may fail to reach their targets and, according to Kickstarter rules, that means that none of the pledged funds will come through. Still, the prospect of dozens of games potentially coming thanks to such campaigns is a tough phenomenon to ignore.
However, it's what happens after the money gets to the would-be creators that remains to be seen. Earlier in the week, the developers at War Balloon offered up a cautionary tale of the expenditures they ran into after getting their campaign for Star Command. That scenario will surely be repeated. The skill and relative game-making experience of developers soliciting funds on Kickstarter varies widely. Tim Schafer, Brian Fargo and Christian Allen have proven track records. Some of the other people who want your money do not. It's something to think about before you fill out your credit card details.
$10,000,000 Given To Kickstarter Games Since March [Rock, Paper, Shotgun]