Yesterday, Blizzard surprise-dropped a new Paris map onto Overwatch’s PC public test server, and players were thrilled to discover that their guns, hammers, and hamster balls can do more than just claim lives in this ravaged city of romance. They can also play piano.
Players have been using the new piano to fire bullets into all sorts of songs. For example, here’s Lyeaf’s performance of “Megalovania” from Undertale, which roughly a thousand other people have also made videos of:
Also from Undertale (I’m pretty sure), here’s Beethoven’s “Für Elise,” as recorded by Emma Casey:
Of course, somebody did “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and that somebody is sano:
Here’s brokenstyli with the Mario theme:
Streamer Fareeha played and sang “La Vie En Rose”:
If you thought nobody would do a cover of “Cruel Angel’s Thesis” from Evangelion, you thought wrong and apparently have never used the internet before. Here’s a rendition by MrAwesomePants20:
Regrettably, here’s a compilation of meme songs by JukeHigher:
This one’s not a song, but instead, a demonstration that you can do chord progressions on the piano if you’re clever (read: willing to exploit a glitch) by ScroogeD:
Here’s Marmellow’s Bastion playing piano with cold mechanical precision:
Last and least, here’s “All Star” by Smash Mouth (by Jenu):
You have no idea how badly I wanted to end this post with a “Here’s ‘Wonderwall’” joke, but I’m shocked and dismayed to report that—as far as I can tell—nobody’s done it yet. Crazy, right? I mean, come on, internet. By now, you should’ve somehow realized what you gotta do.