Host Malik Forté came on during a halftime break in today’s Overwatch League to take a chunk out of a lemon in front of a live audience. Don’t worry, it’s for a good cause.
Lemons For Leukemia is a campaign started by two friends, Dillon Hill and Chris Betancourt, the latter of which was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. The goal is to raise awareness for bone marrow donations by challenging friends to biting down on a raw lemon. Stars like Danny DeVito have already taken part, and today, the Overwatch League tackled it after Team EnvyUs, owners of the Dallas Fuel, challenged them.
First up was Forté, who took it in stride.
Then Malik challenged the desk, where Chris Puckett and Josh “Sideshow” Wilkinson chewed their lemons.
Finally, Jonathan “Reinforce” Larsson took a bite like a champ. Seriously, Larsson seemed like he was just taking a bite out of an apple or something.
If you’d like to learn more about Lemons For Leukemia and bone marrow donation, you can visit One List, One Life, or follow Be The Match on Twitter.