When it comes to things you should never say to a gamer, we’ve covered the console wars extensively, offering you sayings to avoid in the presence of PS5 dudes and PC elitists to prevent any confrontation. Now, however, we want to give you some tips to ensure things remain copacetic between you and any Overwatch player.
Overwatch has had a rough and interesting 12 months. Overwatch 2 (the sequel no one asked for) debuted in October 2022, and was initially plagued with issues like server problems and bugged characters. Then, players started noticing the cost of certain cosmetics, while others pointed out that it had been a while since Blizzard said anything about the promised PvE mode. Recently, that mode was scrapped outright in favor of something smaller and punchier that costs $15, with the added downer that more of it won’t come until 2024.
It’s a tough time to be an Overwatch player, so it’s more important now than ever to know what you shouldn’t say to us. We’re sensitive, we’re frustrated, and we keep getting hacked by that fucking Sombra on the backline. Be gentle.