Revealed yesterday, Gotham City Impostors is a multiplayer first-person shooter that pits Batman acolytes against the Jokers disciples. It sounds just crazy enough to work and it looks even crazier, based on the game's first piece of artwork.
Not only do we get a look at the bold art style of Gotham City Impostors in the above image—click to Bat-size it—we also get a look at some of the game's weapons, character customization concepts and gadgets. The art style is definitely growing on me and developer Monolith Productions' output (No One Lives Forever, F.E.A.R., Condemned) is certainly confidence inspiring.
No release date on Gotham City Impostors yet, but Warner Bros. is bringing it to PC, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Read Kotaku's impressions of the game for more details on this online shoot 'em up.