The sequel to American McGee's Alice will take place 11 years after the events of the original game, with Alice released from an asylum but still struggling to deal with "nightmarish hallucinations," according to the official site for the 2011 game.
As nightmarish hallucinations continue to haunt her and invade her reality, she seeks to understand her torment in order to recover herself. Her mind in tatters, she is unable to resolve the fear and neuroses prompted by her strange memories, dreams, and visions. Her relocation to London seems only to add to their number and intensity.
Alice returns to Wonderland in hopes of finding the truth about her past, but as is often the case, something has gone horribly wrong and evil is on the move.
"Alice is a classic fiction, infinitely rich with memorable characters, places and experiences. Our approach to Alice: Madness Returns takes this colorful world and reinvents it with psychotic personalities and pervasive insanity," said American McGee, Spicy Horse Games Co-Founder and Senior Creative Director. "We can't wait to share our vision with Alice in Wonderland fans and gamers around the world."
Check out the official site for the upcoming game for more details. The game is due out on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 next year.