Debuting in 1997, One Piece has gone on to become the most successful manga ever. And this year, it’s getting a spin-off.
Titled One Piece Episode A, the manga is based on the novelization One Piece Novel A. Eiichiro Oda is, of course, created for creating the original manga, but will not be doing this spin-off. Instead, it will be headed up by Ryo Ishiyama and artist Bochi of Dr. Stone fame.
The tagline for the above teaser image reads, “How did he live?”
One Piece Episode A will begin serialization in volume 10 of One Piece Magazine, which goes on sale today in Japan. Coming in at 54 pages, with three color pages, it’s a rather large debut.
According to Livedoor News, One Piece Magazine began publication in 2017 as part of the manga’s 20th anniversary.