Hello Kotaku, and welcome to Tuesday's open thread! I'm so happy to have you here, and hope you'll wade into the comments to talk about any thing that's on your mind.
Here, gathered from the internet, are a collection of fun
- Check out this guitarist, Guthrie Govan - Dude's technique is like aliens taught him to play guitar! Also he is very good.
- That's just your opinion, man - Look, I know The Big Lebowski has a quote for all occasions, but this one might be the single most useful one.
- An awesome NYT article about how young women are linguistic trend-setters - "Super interestaaaannnnggg." No, but seriously, it actually is super interesting.
- NC Man Drinks Gasoline From Jar, Lights Up, Dies - Holy shit. That is terrible.
- Man, The Blues Brothers is possibly the perfect movie - Here's Ray Charles' performance from the film.
And that's that! Have good open-threading, see you all tomorrow.