While in town to receive an honorary doctorate from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism, Game of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin spoke with local news station WWTW about his life, TV shows and, hey, the upcoming video game Elden Ring.
While there’s not much to be found in the way of news—his main involvement with the game came to an end years ago, after all—Souls fans will maybe still find his thoughts on games, and how “considerably different” it was to work on one, interesting.
“I worked up a fairly detailed background for them, and then they took it from there”, he says. “It’s been several years since I’ve last seen them, but they would come in periodically and show me some monsters they’d designed.”
“The game has been very slowly developing”, he says, something fans are all too well aware of, before adding, “I’ll be as excited as anyone else to see it,” when it’s released.
Martin’s full interview can be seen on WWTW, but an excerpt speaking specifically about Elden Ring is below:
Elden Ring is the latest game from Dark Souls and Bloodborne creator Hidetaka Miyazaki, who as we’ve just seen above has got George R. R. Martin in to help out. After begging and sitting through show after show with little or no news, Souls fans finally got some real info on Elden Ring at E3, from detailed descriptions of what exactly is going on to a big new trailer.
Due for release on the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, Elden Ring should be out in January 2022.