Hello, Kotaku! I just thought I'd give you a nice and lovely and heartwarming image for your Tuesday night open thread. No reason other than that. Nope.
I hope you're having a good week so far. Here, gathered from around the internet, are some things to check out and talk about.
- Our former boss Joel Johnson has some thoughts about internet comments - "I'm starting to come to a conclusion: comments are more trouble than they are literally, financially worth." Don't tell that to our open-threaders, Joel!
- I hope you read Ashley Judd's awesome piece from yesterday - Don't call her puffy, man!
- This documentary about UFOs sounds good - even though I want to believe!
- Gawker's got a mole in FOX News - This should be interesting.
- The 1940 census information is now publicly available - This is pretty neat. You can find out who lived in your house in 1940.
- Is your smartphone making you less productive? - Not a new question, but there's some interesting data here.
- This list of reasons we love Buffy The Vampire Slayer is old, but great - yeah, 115 reasons sounds about right.
- Here's Aimee Mann with "Little Bombs" - This is a good song! From a good album. Don't worry, I won't post Aimee Mann songs all week. But could you blame me if I did?
And that's what I've got for ya. Have good chatting, see you tomorrow.