Nvidia's portable gaming system is neat, but there are several things it does — playing media, running games in portrait mode — that could be handled better by a similarly-powered tablet. The Tegra Note plaform is that tablet.
Technically tablets, plural, the Tegra Note isn't a single tablet, but a complete tablet platform, coming to the market next month from several of Nvidia's mobile partners. Units belonging to the platform contain the Tegra 4 chip, which made its debut in the Shield, feature a slightly different screen resolution, (1280x800 instead of 1280x720), and must include high-quality, front facing speakers with a bass reflex port, much like the one that makes the Shield sound so good.
Here's the full set of specs for Tegra Note devices:
These tablets will be just as powerful as the Shield and sound just as good, plus they'll have a stylus for some strange reason. The only thing keeping Tegra Note tablets from streaming PC games is a controller, and there are plenty of options where that's concerned. And since devices on the platform start at $199, these tablets will be a bargain, certainly easier to justify than the Shield portable.
EVGA and PNY are bringing the platform to North America later this year, mingling with the non-Tegra Note Tegra 4 devices already released/announced. Read all about Nvidia's diabolical plan to take-over the touchscreen market here.